We have the privilege of organising our own elective placement at the start of our third year. We have chosen to go to Nepal to gain an insight into how midwifery care is practised and accessed.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

On Nepali time

So after a day of walking around Patan and having a few drinks at the Roadhouse Cafe we crawled into bed to be well rested for our first official day at the hospital. Well until our partners missed us so much they called and woke us up....well who wouldnt miss us?!?!?

This morning we walked in the rain to the hospital where we were so thrilled to have survived crossing the chaotic traffic on the Bagmati River Bridge! We were greated and formally introduced to the matron who informed us that Kiran was running late due to traffic....which you just cannot imagine, but closest comparison would be like oxford street on Christmas Eve!

When Kiran arrived after about 3 minutes we were ready to roll! But we were told we had to meet the director and get formally approved first. This was at 1030am, we met and were approved by 1300! We are offically on Nepali time now! In between this we ate Nepali Guava, tasted like pear with crunchy seeds, drank milky tea, ate doughnut like bread, met more members of the Midwifery Society of Nepal and learned about the removal of TBA's and introduction of Specialised Birth Attendants (SBA's) who are trained nurses.

When waiting to meet the director we felt like we were meeting royalty. Made to wait and being ushered out quite quickly so she could have her lunch. But not once did we feel unwelcome. The staff here are so warm.

We had a formal tour of the hospital, after giving our greatly appreciated $200 US, with the Matron where we saw admission room, Sexual Health clinic, abortion clinic, damily plannning clinic, birth centre, SCBU and NNU and recovery rooms.

We startour official first day tomorrow.....wish us luck!!! Miss you all

Lots of love

Sam and Laura xx

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