So we are here! What an amazing trip. The plane ride was great and the transfers went off without a hitch. The drive to our apartment, well that was crazy! We have never seen so many cars, buses, bikes, cows, bulls and dogs all trying to get past one another! Walking through our neighbouhood is ok, a bit like Amsterdamn with motorbikes lol! We were greated by Ram who is absolutely fabulous, and the only reason we found this internet cafe was becuase of him. He took us to the hospital today, where it was the 51st anniversary! They had the prime minister of Nepal there and were giving awards to staff and even one for the best child. The baby was wrapped in gold, and we got a picture, will post later. We met Kiran there, and she is brilliant. She took us into the Matrons room where we practised our first new Nepali skills. Drinking out of a water bottle without it touching our lips or spilling on our shirt, so far Laura pass and Sam FAIL lol!! She is arranging our placements and a possible visit to a study day held by the perinatal association of Nepal and some birth centres in Kathmandu and Chitwan.
We then carried onto Patan, as it was Lord Krishna's birthday today. There were thousands of Nepalis there offering gifts to Krishna. We both ot given tikkas for good luck from Holy Men, but at a cost of course.
We start our first shift tomorrow on the hospital. We are working 8-2 for 6 days a week, but we may try and work some long days to allow for trips to Chitwan and Pokhara.
We want to thank everyone for their support and hope you enjoy reading our blog. Special thanks to mum/Lisa for your heart felt card which made us both cry on the plane! We are both wearing our guardian angels!
here is a link to pictures fromtoday, as we cant put any on ourself yet xx