We have the privilege of organising our own elective placement at the start of our third year. We have chosen to go to Nepal to gain an insight into how midwifery care is practised and accessed.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


When we approached Laxmi about visiting her birth centre in Nepal, we had asked if there was anything we could bring with us that the birth centre could really benefit from. They stated that they could really use a fetal doppler. We contacted quite a few companies in the hope that we could have one donated.

We received an email back from Claire Gibson at ultrasound technologies/Freeplay, who stated they were going to donate a fetal doppler. But this is no ordinary fetal doppler.....this is a wind-up/self powered doppler that can be used in areas where reliable sources of electricity may not be available. Perfect for Nepal where there are many power cuts and even more so for visiting women in their homes throughout the Kathmandu Valley.

This Doppler is amazing and we cannot thank Claire and the people at ultrasound technologies/Freeplay enough for their amazing generosity.

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