We have the privilege of organising our own elective placement at the start of our third year. We have chosen to go to Nepal to gain an insight into how midwifery care is practised and accessed.

Sunday 28 March 2010

Laura Bridle is fundraising for White Ribbon Alliance - JustGiving

Laura Bridle is fundraising for White Ribbon Alliance - JustGiving

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  1. Samantha and I have organised a great study day to benefit White Ribbon Alliance and a great way to celebrate International Day of the Midwife. Please come along if your able to. Thanks xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Samantha and I are pleased to say we raised an amazing £1680 for White Ribbon Alliance.


    Special thanks to the Practicing Midwife, BJM, LUSH, Bdy Shop, Funky Fobz, studentmidwife.net and Mrs. Pitt for their generous donations for the days raffle prizes.

    We would also like to thank all our speakers; Dr. Angie Wilson, Annie Francis, Felicity Ukoko, Lorna Bland, Wendy Cook and Jenny Carter. Also thanks to all those who attended.

    Special thanks to Gail Anderson, Hayley Devulder, Jo Boyd, Monica Eve and Ruth Roe for all their help during the day!!

  4. Hi Girls, hope your enjoying your elective. You've inspired me to do mine abroad next year having met Sam & seen your blog. Sandy x

  5. Hi girls I would like some advice on my elective to Sri Lanka.
    I'm back on PN after the 31st so may see you on the wards but if not can you email me?
    Sandy x

  6. Speak to Sam or you can come to our Pancake party March 8th and we can talk then. Have you applied for bursaries?
