We have the privilege of organising our own elective placement at the start of our third year. We have chosen to go to Nepal to gain an insight into how midwifery care is practised and accessed.

Sunday, 29 August 2010

And we are off

So after months of planning........ we are off! Thank you so much to everyone's good wishes today and donations. We propbably won't sleep tonight and apologies to our families and friends tomorrow at the airport, we are just soooooo excited! Will keep you posted on here as much as possible and ......"see you in September, see you when the summmers through!"

Monday, 23 August 2010

Amazing donation from an AMAZING organisation

We recently put a story about our trip to Nepal in our local papers. We were so excited for our few minutes of fame we didn't even consider the generosity we would find. We received a phone call from Chichester SANDS wanting to offer us help with our trip.

SANDS is a charity that supports anyone affected by the death of a baby and promotes research to reduce the loss of babies lives. As student midwives we have both met people involved in SANDS and the work they do is absolutely priceless. Endless hours of support through carelines, supplies and advice given for midwives and families and a huge support network for those who have sadly lost a baby.

Sue Taylor and Heather Brooks from Chichester SANDS wanted to offer the women of Nepal some support as well. They have sent us a cheque to give the birth centre £200!! This amount of money will greatly help in the promotion of safemotherhood and allow them to get supplies they so greatly need. We cannot begin to thank SANDS enough for this generosity. But Thank you so much!!

Another boot sale.........

Another big thankyou, to My Dad, My Mum, My Nan who helped me raise another £50 towards Nepal from a bootsale on Sunday a special thankyou to My Nan for donating some hand painted pictures to the sale, very talented!

Avon Party

Thankyou to everybody who came to my Avon Party hosted by the lovely Lisa Pitt, I had a good night and hope you all did!We raised over £150 towards Nepal so many thanks for participating in all the games, raffle and bingo as well as placing orders, greatly appreciated. Sam x

Thank you RCM

The lovely staff at the Royal College of Midwives have donated 9 pinnards for us to take to Nepal. We have also been given leaflets and cards about the campaign for normal birth to give out and show what issues effect women and midwives in the UK. Special thanks goes to Angie Sahe-Lacheante for all her help with the Pinnards! Thank you also to Sue Macdonald for helping to edit and advise us on our Antenatal Education presentation. We have been asked to present on antenatal education to the nurse-midwives in Nepal and feel much more confident now. And a huge thank you to Manuela and Colin for giving me the chance to work at the RCM last week, I learned a lot and appreciate the hard work of the RCM even more now!!

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Sam in the sky with diamonds!

So one of us got to jump on Saturday, and the other will have to wait till we return from Nepal as the rain prevented most of us from reaching the skies! Luckily Sam was able to wear the gorgeous suit provided and land gracefully on the ground! Thank you to everyone who sponsored us, and thank you for all the support on Saturday. Was an amazing weekend and can't wait to re-live it October for the rest of us that need to fly through the sky! We would also like to thank mum/Mrs. Pitt for her bravery while watching her baby jump. he he he

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Elvis, Elvis leave me be....Keep that Pelvis far from me!

Thank you so much to Jacqui Mayman and Touch Needs for donating a doll, placenta and pelvis. This will be such a vital gift to leave in Nepal. We are going to be teaching about shoulder dystocia and antenatal education while we are there and this will be so useful in showing the midwives and students and for them to show in future classes. Thank you so much!!

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

More Donations...........

A very big thankyou to the Tandrige Community Midwifey Team who have donated an Avent hand breast pump, some baby clothes including a lovely John Lewis baby grow, nappies, wipes and sudocream! THANKYOU!X

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Come bake with me!

We would like to say a huge thank you to our class for being very good cupcakes eaters last week. We hope they gave you the energy you needed after that day of resus training!

We would also like to say an even bigger thank you to Mum/Mrs. Pitt and Wendy Bascal for making some of the cakes for us. They definitely were the reason we were able to raise an amazing £30!

With the money we raised we were able to purchase a Birth Atlas, which was requested by the midwives we are visiting. A birth atlas shows the development of the fetus and shows the route it takes through the birth canal. A great way to understand what is happening in pregnancy not just for the midwives and student midwives but the parents to be as well.

We both score you all an impressive 10 our of 10!!

Sorry there is no £1000 prize he he

Sunday, 1 August 2010

29 sleeps till we leave!

Excited.....are you kiding, we are not actually sure if we are going to get any sleep between then and now. We are doing our fundraiser jump this coming Saturday, and of course you can still donate to our paypal account or by getting in touch. So far we have managed to raise enough to give £200 to the maternity hospital and have been able to purchase extras for the birth centre. Weather permitting we jump Saturday and we are camping there the night before. There will be 16 very nervous and excited jumpers in our group, so watch out March!!!

We have also both completed our 2nd year of our degree....officially 3rd year student midwives....well as long as we pass our exams and reflection that is lol! There are others in our year going to Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Texas, Miami, British Columbia, Netherlands and going to places in England such as private birth centres, independent midwives, child protection services, working with Obstetricians, and some catching a few more babies without having to fight for it at their own trusts.

We have already started to pack our suitcases and are getting the last minute supplies. Will fill you in more before we go!! And of course tell you how brave we were when we jumped! (insert knocking knees sound here)